My Portfolio

Research and projects I have built and abilities

Digital Particulate Sensor

A prototype constructed from the ground up is based on collecting data samples of air in enviornments and warehouses. The work developed was in MPLAB, C, Arduino, PCB circuit design, and data colelction on PIC(Programmable Integrated Circuit) chip design.

Virtual Reality Research

Working with Microsoft Hololens to build a virtual world suited for easy use of engageing real life scenerios and needs. Co-op research with Professor Bin Li and graduate students.

Smart Cleats Data Collection

A prototype project that configures data using the cleats worn by players. This project is based on using Arduino, bluetooth communication, PCB circuit design, and Mobile Application development in order to see data.

Amazon Price Tracker

A software that is design to notify the user whether the price of the specific item from the Amazon has drop at any single moment in time.

Ping Pong Game

Developed in Python. A simple game that uses basic functionalities and techniques and using Turtle API. Enables 1 or 2 players to play.

MultiApp Opener

A software designed to open multiple apps by using the the GUI(GRaphical User Interface) that has been setup. All in using Python and API's.