Clever Cleats
Internet of Things

Tracking the force and type of kick the user takes in competitive and progressive application for all skill levels. Help players, coaches and care takers.

First in developing the data analytics, I initial done some arduino code to see the information distributed from the force sensor. The developlmeent included Python script output from Arduino input serial port(/dev/cu.usbmodem1421). In python we used Serial and Matplotlib API(Application Program Interface) to see data numerically and been displayed in graphs.

With the help of an Biomedical graduate, we were able to capture and depict the amount of force(in grams) when the player kicks the ball. The figure above shows the work my partner has displayed in creating signals to get the output of the sensor. Also in using a PCB to configure the connections from the sensor to the Arduino. As data was being shown through the help of the Arduino, a bluetooth module attachment to the microcontroller was used to send the data to the mobile appliaction I created in order to be viewed.